Sunday, November 6, 2011

And now presenting, POETRY!

Laundry Day

The hem of her white dress is stained
Not only with memories, but with an ugly coal-black splat
She wore it to the airport and
The city welcomed her with a rainstorm
She dragged her dress through the angry wetness

Not enough money to wash the dress more than once
Gray hem, a shadow low on her backside
Dirty badge of air travel
Her granny tells her
You always wear that dress
She wore the dress on the airplane in defiance
She still loves her granny

The first time she wore the dress
The boy on the date said nothing about her nor the dress
She wanted him to say something, anything
But he was never good with words
The boy is gone and she kept the dress
Another boy told her she’s beautiful
She thinks he’s lying, that he’s referring to the dress, not her
His eyes were too bright to not be telling the truth

Scraping by on quarters and credit cards
For a pair of clean socks
Saturday is laundry day
Basement reading for class in between loads

She had once crammed too much in the washer to save money
The clothes had spilled out
Full of hot water and soap suds
She had scrambled on hands and knees across the cement floor
Dirtying the one pair of jeans she hadn’t put in that load
Frustrated and tired
Gathering stockings and shirts
The white dress wasn’t washed that week either

Clean clothes are a necessity in cold weather


His hands placed softly across her body
When can I love you gray rain more than laughter
Open skies in the ocean air
Remembering these times past, memories that she wants to hold on to
but knows that she can’t, she shouldn’t
Sandals in November, now boots in December
She brings him close
Do you love me more than candied apples (as I love the freckles on your nose)
Teasing, wanting, needing more than she asked for
Memories of home cut through the sharp winter squalls:
bluest of blues, cluttered sands and seagulls
Sitting on his lap, she rests her chin
in his chestnut curls
Paper boy, she laughs, I cut you out from a magazine
Whispers of sunflowers
Nostalgia of an absence together


FASTER i scream

on the rollercoaster
in the car screeching down the 405
as i run down the street
whirlwind of time
dancing on cobblestones in fanueil hall
watching the seals dance in the water
bobbing with their self-justifiable smiles that
make the children love them so

Maybe, Maybe (Sunflower Thoughts)

You never bought me sunflowers
You never let me cry
You just rubbed my head like a poodle and said
Don’t worry. It’ll be fine.

You never knew what to say

When you said you loved me, it was a bold-faced lie
When I responded, only half of my heart consented.

You wanted to

resolve our issues

as if I was some sort of problem.

Maybe we were too young
Maybe we were too blind
Maybe I didn’t want to never leave you there, waiting.

I resolved our issues by letting you go

I had to wear the pants in our relationship because you wouldn’t
And I was never one to allow stupidity to hang its hat by the door.

Now I miss you and I don’t know why.
You never bought me sunflowers.
You never let me cry.

Forgotten Leftovers

why would anyone need me, ever,
even on a whim

they disregard me for someone else,
thrown by the wayside like

a mattress left on the freeway
a set of hot curlers

they don’t need me; they’ll find someone else
they always do

i don’t tend to leave lasting impressions
and i’ve decided to run first this time

The Bus Drivers of Southern California

This edition of "SGGTPT" (okay, not the shortest, nor the best acronym ever, but I'm trying) will concern the drivers of the Southern California bus system. In the six month period that I consistently was on the bus in southern California, I took note of three times of bus drivers. 

1. the strong, silent type
Mostly male, these drivers do everything by the book. From the time they take off, to getting riders on and off the bus, a driver of this caliber will be more likely to use the turn signal, not run red lights, and ask that riders get on and off the bus in an orderly manner. Unfortunately, if you have a question, it's more than likely you'll be unable to get an answer. This is because these drivers believe that you should already know which bus you're on, what direction it's headed in, and where you should get off for your next stop. Or in some cases, I believe the driver may have been mute. Thankfully this type of driver will not take bullshit from anyone and will keep, for the most part, the creepy riders off the bus, or at the very least, confined to a particular area of the bus where they can be watched.  

2. the crazy, I'm-only-doing-this-because-I-have-to-driver
This type of driver is the one that you want to avoid as much as possible. A driver like this will never be on time; will take off from the curb so fast that if you're not sitting down, or in a stationary position, both your shoes and your gall bladder will be shot to the back of the bus; and will insist on telling you exactly why they hate their job, their life, etc. If you have this type of driver, good luck, because you might not make it to your final destination, but will know how thanks to sweet potato fries from New Hampshire the driver is now damned to a life of thankless public transportation.

3. the driver that everyone knows his/her name
Much like Cheers, everyone literally will know this driver's name. Riders may actually cheer as this driver approaches the bus. Personable and charismatic, you will want to get this driver for your ride. Always in a good mood (which may make you suspicious - what drugs are they taking, and how can you get ahold of them?), this driver seems to have no worries and is never irritated by anything or anyone. It almost makes riding the bus an enjoyable experience. 

Next time:
The bus drivers of the eastern seaboard

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's a New Month!

I received a fortune cookie on September 12th of this year which stated something like, "Remember this date three months from now". Well, three months obviously hasn't rolled by just yet, but until December 12th, I am going to think of this damn cookie and hope that it's not some cruel joke being played on me by the Fates. Shortly after I received this fortune, I managed to get another that said, "Everything will soon come your way." (And at this point, I realized that apparently I eat a lot of Chinese food.) Really, everything? If we're going to take this literally, then "everything" would include a new job, a book deal, and several other items that include my loans being paid off by a mysterious benefactor, a pancreatic transplant, and oh, what the hell, a puppy - why not? Again, hopefully the term "everything" was being used in a positive sense, and not a negative one, because then the apocalypse would be heading my way as well.

I'm not very fond of November. October I enjoy, and December too, of course, but as for November, I've always been indifferent about it. So boo to you, November. Maybe that book deal is right around the corner.